Book review: Shows and Tales: On Jewelry Exhibition-Making, published by Art Jewelry Forum

Skeels, Rebecca (2016) Book review: Shows and Tales: On Jewelry Exhibition-Making, published by Art Jewelry Forum. Findings (62). p. 31. ISSN 2041-7047

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Skeels, Rebecca (2016) Book review: Shows and Tales: On Jewelry Exhibition-Making, published by Art Jewelry Forum.Findings (62).p. 31.ISSN 2041-7047

I received this book due to my role at the University
for the Creative Arts, and from recently joining the Art
Jewelry Forum as a School. It is a great size book and
printed in newspaper style columns, making it easy to
read whether at home, work or on-the-go. Although I
have read the book cover to cover to write this review,
I think I would prefer to use it as a reference book and
read it in an order that took my fancy over a longer
period of time. The different authors, of the various
essays and exhibition reviews, make the focus, writing
style and enjoyment varied, and allows me to find
something to match my mood at the time of reading.

Shows and Tales is informative and very up-to-date,
so I recommend reading it sooner rather than
later. However, the information includes useful facts
and dates to make it a great reference book for gallery
owners, curators, exhibitors, makers and definitely
those who are studying. Each author looks at different
aspects of exhibiting, from the history of how some
of the great shows started, how museums have experimented and pushed ideas and the challenges they have had with changing of directors and restrictions, as well
as the more experimental shows related to title because
of the display methods rather than themed, such as
‘Suspended’ (one I took part in myself), and even
exhibitions involving participation and various display
ideas. Each section ends with a short conclusion of the
author’s thoughts, summing up each essay or review.
The sections also contain further reference materials,
which become enticing when you have read an essay
that you really enjoy or has sparked thoughts and ideas.

The most enjoyable element of reading this book
was how it made me consider and think about jewellery
and how as jewellers, curators and those interested
in jewellery we are already thinking about display and
exhibition more than most disciplines. I myself have
toyed and played with display every time I have had
the opportunity to exhibit my work, such as using video
and individually-made display systems. I do not think
we have found the ideal displays yet, whilst there have
been some glamorous ones and interesting ones, we
all have issues with security, funding, visitors’ experience,
space and issues with the absence of the body.
As members of the ACJ we should definitely be pushing
the boundaries and really explore how we could show
jewellery and related objects off to their best and
maybe include the real depth of research and exploration
that is involved in designing and making, this book
really helps the grey matter start that process.

Item Type: Article
1 March 2016
1 February 2016
Subjects: CAH25 - design, and creative and performing arts > CAH25-01 - creative arts and design > CAH25-01-05 - others in creative arts and design
Divisions: Faculty of Arts, Design and Media > College of Jewellery, Fashion and Textiles
Depositing User: Rebecca Skeels
Date Deposited: 24 Jan 2020 14:09
Last Modified: 12 Jan 2022 17:15

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