Items where Division is "College of Law, Social and Criminal Justice" and Year is 2016
Andrews, Kehinde (2016) The Psychosis of Whiteness: The celluloid hallucinations of Amazing Grace and Belle. Journal of Black Studies, 47 (5). pp. 435-453. ISSN 0021-9347
Andrews, Kehinde (2016) The problem of political blackness: lessons from the Black Supplementary School Movement. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 39. pp. 1-19. ISSN 01419870 (ISSN)
Awan, Imran (2016) Islamophobia in Cyberspace. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781472458094
Awan, Imran and Guru, Surinder (2016) Parents of foreign “terrorist” fighters in Syria – will they report their young? Ethnic and Racial Studies, 40 (1). pp. 24-42. ISSN 0141-9870
Awan, Imran and Rahman, Mohammed (2016) Portrayal of muslims following the murders of lee rigby in woolwich and Mohammed saleem in Birmingham: A content analysis of UK newspapers. Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, 36 (1). pp. 16-31. ISSN 13602004 (ISSN)
Awan, Imran and Zempi, Irene (2016) Islamophobia: Lived experiences of online and offline victimisation. Policy Press. ISBN 978-1447331964
Awan, Imran and Zempi, Irene (2016) The affinity between online and offline anti-Muslim hate crime: Dynamics and impacts. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 27. pp. 1-8. ISSN 1359-1789
Barlow, Charlotte and Awan, Imran (2016) “You Need to Be Sorted Out With a Knife”: The Attempted Online Silencing of Women and People of Muslim Faith Within Academia. Social Media + Society, 2 (4). ISSN 2056-3051
Breen, Damian (2016) Critical Race Theory, policy rhetoric and outcomes: the case of Muslim schools in Britain. Race, Ethnicity and Education, 21 (1). pp. 30-44. ISSN 1361-3324
Brolan, Liam and Wilson, David and Yardley, Elizabeth (2016) Hitmen and the Spaces of Contract Killing: The Doorstep Hitman. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 13 (3). pp. 220-238. ISSN 15444759
Chen, I-Ju (2016) The Interface Between Companies' Fundamental Rights and Competition Law Enforcement in the EU: Past, Present and Future. Global Antitrust Review. pp. 7-41.
Cooper, Sarah Lucy (2016) Challenges to Fingerprint Identification Evidence: Why the Courts Need a New Approach to Finality. Mitchell Hamline Law Review, 42 (2). pp. 756-790.
Cooper, Sarah Lucy (2016) Forensic Science Developments and Judicial Decision-Making in the Era of Innocence: The Influence of Legal Process Theory and Its Implications. Richmond Journal of Law and the Public Interest, 19 (3). pp. 211-242.
Cooper, Sarah Lucy (2016) Forensic Science Identification Evidence: Tensions Between Law and Science. Journal of Philosophy, Science and Law, 16. pp. 1-35.
Cooper, Sarah Lucy (2016) Post-Conviction Access to DNA Testing and Clemency as a “Fail-Safe”: The Implications of Judicial Fidelity to the Legal Process Vision. Drake Law Review, 64 (1). pp. 1-42.
Damsa, Liviu (2016) The Transformation of Property Regimes and Transitional Justice in Central Eastern Europe: In Search of a Theory. Studies in the History of Law and Justice, 8 . Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-48528-7
Di Gioia, Ilaria (2016) The Sustainability of the ACA: Legal Challenge and Legislative Opposition. The international journal of sustainability in economic, social and cultural context, 12 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 2325-1115
de Vries, M.G. and Brazil, I.A. and Tonkin, M. and Bulten, B.H. (2016) Ward Climate Within a High Secure Forensic Psychiatric Hospital: Perceptions of Patients and Nursing Staff and the Role of Patient Characteristics. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 30 (3). pp. 342-349. ISSN 08839417 (ISSN)
Erel, Umut and Murji, Karim and Nahaboo, Zaki (2016) Understanding the Contemporary Race-Migration Nexus. Ethnics and Racial Studies, 39 (8). pp. 1339-1360. ISSN 1466-4356
Ghio, Emilie (2016) Coping with Business Failure and Bankruptcy in the European Union. Edinburgh Law Review, 3. p. 85.
Ghio, Emilie (2016) European Insolvency Law. Where to Now? In: Pan-European Conference on the European Union, 15-18 June 2016, Trento.
Ghio, Emilie (2016) The shift needed in the European debate on cross-border insolvency law. In: Annual PhD Forum, “Law and Governance in a Crisis-Ridden Union”, Netherlands Institute for Law and Governance, 19-21 November 2016, Amsterdam.
Hamourtziadou, Lily (2016) Iraq: Lest we forget. Global Faultlines.
Hockey, D. (2016) Narrative Theory Applied to the Autobiographies of Three Life-Course Offenders. SAGE Open, 6 (3). ISSN 21582440 (ISSN)
Hussein, Nazia and Hussain, Saba (2016) Beauty Queens and Hindu Militants: Indian Women’s Negotiation with Neoliberalism and Hindu Nationalism. Exchanges: Warwick Research Journal.
Irvine, Fiona and Wah Yeung Yuet, Echo and Partridge, Martin and Simcock, Peter (2016) The impact of personalisation on people from Chinese backgrounds: qualitative accounts of social care experience. Health & Social Care in the Community, 25 (3). pp. 878-887. ISSN 0966-0410
Iweoha, P.I. and Oamen, Philip E. and Anushiem, M.I. and Ekeneme, U.M.J. (2016) Longe v First Bank of Nigeria PLC: Views in Support of the Supreme Court Decision. Madonna University, Nigeria Faculty of Law Law Journal, 4 (1). pp. 76-89.
Jarvis, Lee and Macdonald, Stuart and Whiting, Andrew (2016) Analogy and authority in cyberterrorism discourse: An analysis of global news media coverage. Global Society, 30 (4). pp. 605-623. ISSN 1360-0826
Jarvis, Lee and Macdonald, Stuart and Whiting, Andrew (2016) Unpacking cyberterrorism discourse: Specificity, status, and scale in news media constructions of threat. European Journal of International Security, 2 (1). pp. 64-87. ISSN 2057-5637
Jüttner, M. and Wakui, Elley and Petters, Dean and Davidoff, J. (2016) Developmental commonalities between object and face recognition in adolescence. Frontiers in Psychology, 7 (MAR). ISSN 16641078 (ISSN)
Kewley, Stephanie (2016) Strength based approaches and protective factors from a criminological perspective. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 32. pp. 11-18. ISSN 1359-1789
Lekvall, Ebba and Van Ho, Tara and Comer, Carrie (2016) In (limited) defence of the ICC in the Al Mahdi case. Justice Hub.
Molloy, Jill and Card, Richard (2016) Card, Cross and Jones Criminal Law. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. ISBN 978-0-19-875309-4
Narayan, John (2016) John Dewey: The Global Public and its Problems. Theory for a Global Age . Manchester University Press. ISBN 978-1-7849-9324-5
Nulman, Eugene and Özkula, Suay M (2016) Environmental nongovernmental organizations’ digital media practices toward environmental sustainability and implications for informational governance. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 18. pp. 10-16.
Pritchard, Rosalind and Pausits, Attila and Williams, James J. (2016) Positioning Higher Education Institutions: From Here to There. Sense Publishers, Rotterdam. ISBN 978-94-658-3
Protopsaltis, Panayotis (2016) Book Review: Ahmad Ali Ghouri, Interaction and Conflict of Treaties in Investment Arbitration (Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, 2015), 192pp. Journal of International Arbitration, 33 (2). pp. 234-243. ISSN 0255-8106
Protopsaltis, Panayotis (2016) Editorial: United States’ Free Trade Agreements: A Silent (R)Evolution? British Journal of American Legal Studies, 5 (2). pp. 293-298. ISSN 2049-4092
Richardson-Oakes, Anne and Davies, Haydn (2016) Justice Must Be Seen to Be Done: A Contextual Reappraisal. Adelaide Law Review, 37 (2). pp. 461-494. ISSN 0065-1915
Simcock, Peter (2016) Ageing with a unique impairment: a systematically conducted review of older deafblind people's experiences. Ageing and Society, 37 (8). pp. 1703-1742. ISSN 0144-686X
Simcock, Peter (2016) One of society's most vulnerable groups? A systematically conducted literature review exploring the vulnerability of deafblind people. Health & Social Care in the Community, 25 (3). pp. 813-839. ISSN 0966-0410
Simcock, Peter and Castle, Rhoda (2016) Social Work and Disability. Social Work in Theory and Practice . Polity Press, Cambridge. ISBN 978-0745670201
Tijani, A.A. and Oamen, P. E. (2016) Global Best Practices on Disability Rights: What Lessons for Nigeria? Akungba Law Journal, 4 (1). pp. 37-57. ISSN 1595-0425
Ulgen, Ozlem (2016) Boycotts, Funds, and Class Actions: Democratic Imperative Mechanisms against Corporate Complicity in Human Rights Violations. The Palestine Yearbook of International Law Online, 18 (1). pp. 115-143. ISSN 1386-1972
Willans, Tom and Rivers, Sue and Prasolova-Førlandc, Ekaterina (2016) Enactive Emotion and Presence in Virtual Environments. In: Emotions, Technology, and Behaviors. A volume in Emotions and Technology . Elsevier, pp. 181-210. ISBN 978-0-12-801873-6
Yardley, Elizabeth and Lynes, Adam and Wilson, David and Kelly, Emma (2016) What’s the deal with ‘websleuthing’? News media representations of amateur detectives in networked spaces. Crime, Media, Culture, 14. pp. 81-109. ISSN 1741-6590