Items where Subject is "CAH19-04-02 - German and Scandinavian studies"
- Subjects (8127)
- CAH19 - language and area studies (318)
- CAH19-04 - languages and area studies (123)
- CAH19-04-02 - German and Scandinavian studies (5)
- CAH19-04 - languages and area studies (123)
- CAH19 - language and area studies (318)
Hoffin, Kevin (2020) Glocalization, bricolage and black metal: Towards a music-centric youth culture simultaneously exemplifying the global and the glocal. Metal Music Studies, 6 (1). ISSN 2052-3998
Hoffin, Kevin (2014) "Sans compassion nor will to answer whoever asketh the why": Personal sovereignty within black metal. Metal Music Studies, 5 (2). ISSN 20523998
Mader, Ilona and Seiwald, Regina (2019) Dynamical Experiments with Verbal, Generic, and Material Form in Literary Fiction. In: Dynamik der Form: Literarische Modellbildung zwischen Formgebung und Formverlust. Winter, Heidelberg, pp. 115-141. ISBN 9783825346232
Mader, Ilona and Seiwald, Regina (2018) Im Spannungsfeld von Tradition und Erneuerung: Wie J.J. Abrams und Doug Dorsts S. den Leser auf Reisen schickt. In: (Off) The Beaten Track. Normierungen und Kanonisierungen des Reisens. Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg, pp. 443-464. ISBN 9783826061448