'The Neighbourhood Cums: Ding Dong! Dick's Here!': SketchySex and the online/offline cultures of group sex between gay men

Sarson, Charlie (2019) 'The Neighbourhood Cums: Ding Dong! Dick's Here!': SketchySex and the online/offline cultures of group sex between gay men. Porn Studies. ISSN 2326-8751

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This article explores contemporary sexual practices of group sex between gay men facilitated through the cruising apps and websites Grindr and BarebackRT, and its depiction by the gay porn studio SketchySex. The article discusses themes of community among those partaking in group sex, tracing historical cultural shifts as neoliberal ideologies have developed, as well as focusing on the shifting understandings of public and private spaces. The article argues that gentrification has forced once-public activities into the private home, which brings unique risks for individuals to negotiate, and considers the extent to which digital technologies have helped to facilitate this. This culminates in a critique of the diversity of SketchySex, who seem to be selective in the types of people who can attend their parties; this is read alongside the practices of gay men cruising online, and seeks to identify a community utilizing their public/private, online/offline spaces for more radical sexual ends.

Item Type: Article
Identification Number: https://doi.org/10.1080/23268743.2019.1592698
15 October 2019Published Online
6 March 2019Accepted
21 June 2018Submitted
Uncontrolled Keywords: gay porn, Grindr, group sex, community, risk
Subjects: CAH24 - media, journalism and communications > CAH24-01 - media, journalism and communications > CAH24-01-05 - media studies
Divisions: Faculty of Arts, Design and Media > College of English and Media
Depositing User: Charlie Sarson
Date Deposited: 28 Oct 2019 09:44
Last Modified: 03 Mar 2022 15:59
URI: https://www.open-access.bcu.ac.uk/id/eprint/8259

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