From Protest to Resistance: British anarcho-punk fanzines (1980-1984) as sites of resistance and symbols of defiance

Grimes, Matt R. (2016) From Protest to Resistance: British anarcho-punk fanzines (1980-1984) as sites of resistance and symbols of defiance. In: The Aesthetics of Our Anger. Anarcho-Punk, Politics and Music, 1979-84. Minor Compositions/Autonomedia, Colchester/ New York/ Port Watson, pp. 157-178. ISBN 9781570273186

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This chapter focuses on the role that alternative publications played in the cultural, political, and ideological practices of the British anarcho-punk movement between 1980 and 1984. I explore the way these zines disseminated the central ideas of anarcho-punk and the way that the editors mediated a shifting notion of anarcho-punk. In doing so I seek to move beyond the simpler notion that zines acted simply as channels of communication, but to the idea that discourses of resistance and defiance are constructed and reinforced through the embodiment and undertaking of ideological work of zine editors as ‘organic intellectuals’ is raises some interesting questions about the role of zine editors/producers as key agents in articulating the perceived central tenets of a subcul-tural movement. Previous studies on zines have alluded to the role of editors but little emphasis has been placed on the way that these zine authors take on leadership roles

Item Type: Book Section
17 November 2016
Uncontrolled Keywords: anarcho-punk; punk, punk rock; subcultures
Subjects: CAH15 - social sciences > CAH15-01 - sociology, social policy and anthropology > CAH15-01-02 - sociology
CAH24 - media, journalism and communications > CAH24-01 - media, journalism and communications > CAH24-01-05 - media studies
CAH25 - design, and creative and performing arts > CAH25-02 - performing arts > CAH25-02-02 - music
Divisions: Faculty of Arts, Design and Media > College of English and Media
Depositing User: Matt Grimes
Date Deposited: 13 Jul 2020 09:39
Last Modified: 20 Mar 2023 16:17

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