Items where Division is "Centre for Study of Practice and Culture in Education (C-SPACE)" and Year is 2019
Blackburn, Carolyn (2019) Family members' perceptions of a Singing Medicine project in a children’s hospital. Nursing children and young people, 32 (3). ISSN 2046-2336
Blackburn, Carolyn and Harvey, M.E. (2019) ‘We weren’t prepared for this’: Parents experiences of information and support following the premature birth of their infant. Infants & Young Children, 32 (3). pp. 172-185. ISSN 0896-3746
Dakka, Fadia (2019) Competition, innovation and diversity in higher education: dominant discourses, paradoxes and resistance. British Journal of Sociology of Education. pp. 1-15. ISSN 0142-5692
Fautley, Martin (2019) Assessment Policy and Practice in Secondary Schools in the English National Curriculum. In: The Oxford Handbook of Assessment Policy and Practice in Music Education. OUP.
Fautley, Martin (2019) Teach Through Music Evaluation Report. Project Report. BCU.
Fautley, Martin (2019) The assessment of classroom music in the lower secondary school: The English experience. In: The Oxford Handbook of Philosophical and Qualitative Perspectives on Assessment in Music. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 395-409.
Fautley, Martin and Daubney, Alison (2019) Curriculum and assessment in music education – the research context. Other. Incorporated Society of Musicians (ISM), London.
Fautley, Martin and Daubney, Alison (2019) The Whole Class Ensemble Tuition programme in English Schools – a Brief Introduction. British Journal of Music Education. ISSN 0265-0517
Fautley, Martin and Kinsella, Victoria and Whittaker, Adam (2019) Models of teaching and learning identified in Whole Class Ensemble Tuition. British Journal of Music Education, 36 (3). pp. 243-252. ISSN 0265-0517
French, Amanda (2019) Academic writing as identity-work in higher education: Forming a ‘professional writing in higher education habitus’. Studies in Higher Education. ISSN 0307-5079
French, Amanda (2019) Academic writing as identity-work in higher education: forming a ‘professional writing in higher education habitus’. Studies in Higher Education.
French, Amanda (2019) Anxiety and Academic Writing. In: The Inclusivity Gap. Inspired by Learning, on line.
Kendall, Alex and Hopkins, T. (2019) Inside Out Literacies: Learning About Literacy Learning with a Peer-Led Prison Reading Scheme. International Journal of Bias, Identity and Diversities in Education (IJBIDE), 4 (1). pp. 82-99. ISSN 2379-7363
la Velle, Linda and Kendall, Alex (2019) Building research-informed teacher education communities: a UCET Framework. Impact, 5. pp. 66-69.
O'Connor, Jane (2019) Document Analysis. In: Practical Research Methods in Education: An Early Researcher's Critical Guide. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780815393566
O'Leary, Matt and Cui, Vanessa and French, Amanda (2019) Understanding, recognising and rewarding teaching quality in higher education: an exploration of the impact and implications of the Teaching Excellence Framework. Project Report. University and College Union, London.
O'Leary, Matt and Savage, Suzanne (2019) Breathing new life into the observation of teaching and learning in higher education: moving from the performative to the informative. Professional Development in Education. ISSN 1941-5257
O'Leary, Matt and Smith, Rob and Cui, Vanessa and Dakka, Fadia (2019) The role of leadership in prioritising and improving teaching and learning in further education. Project Report. Further Education Trust for Leadership, London.
O'Leary, Matt and Wood, Phil (2019) Moving Beyond Teaching Excellence: developing a different narrative for England’s higher education sector. International Journal of Comparative Education and Development, 21 (2). pp. 112-126. ISSN 2396-7404
Smith, Rob and Duckworth, Vicky (2019) Research, adult literacy and criticality: catalysing hope and dialogic caring. In: Resisting the neo-liberal discourse in Education: local, national and transnational perspectives. Policy Press, London.
Smith, Rob and Duckworth, Vicky (2019) Transformative Learning in English Further Education. In: Handbook of Vocational Education and Training. Springer. ISBN 9783319497891
Smith, Rob and Duckworth, Vicky (2019) Transformative teaching and learning in further education: summative report. Project Report. University and College Union, London.
Vigurs, Katy (2019) Exorcising an ethnography in limbo. In: The Lost Ethnographies: Methodological Insights from Projects that Never Were. Emerald. ISBN 9781787147744