Items where Subject is "CAH16-01-01 - law"
- Subjects (8210)
- CAH16 - law (389)
- CAH16-01 - law (389)
- CAH16-01-01 - law (389)
- CAH16-01 - law (389)
- CAH16 - law (389)
Abbas, Tahir and Awan, Imran (2015) Limits of UK Counterterrorism Policy and its Implications for Islamophobia and Far Right Extremism. International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, 4 (3). ISSN 2202-7998
Adekanle, A and Oamen, Philip E. (2015) HIV/AIDS, The Law and the Human Rights Question: Taming Discriminatory Practices. Justice: A Journal of Contemporary Legal Problems, 7. pp. 216-242. ISSN 1115-1277
Adeleye, Nkem (2019) Combating Modern Slavery: An Examination of Legal Frameworks and Enforcement Mechanisms on Non-State Actors. In: Applied International Conferences Dubai 2019 Proceedings. ARICON Conferences, 1 . Nielsen Book UK, United Kingdom, pp. 3-14. ISBN 9781789722185
Agbator, Austin and Oamen, Philip Ebosetale (2014) Thoughts on the Constitutionality of the recent Deportation of some Citizens based on the Indigeneship Controversy in Nigeria. In: Governance, Peace and Security in Africa. Ambik Press Ltd, Nigeria, pp. 311-326. ISBN 9789788430902
Ahmed, Masood (2012) Reviewing the exclusionary principle in English contract law. Liverpool Law Review, 33 (2). pp. 111-131. ISSN 0144932X (ISSN)
Akhigbe, E.E. and Agbator, A. and Ejere, O.D. and Oamen, P. E. (2014) A Critical Examination of Major Changes Heralded by the Nigerian Evidence Act 2011. Ambrose Alli University Law Journal, 9 (1). pp. 138-159.
Anderson, Libby and Offor, Iyan (2020) Animal welfare measures in Scotland: penalties, protections, powers and a Commission. The UK Journal of Animal Law, 4 (1). pp. 29-36. ISSN 2516-2225
Anushiem, M.I. and Oamen, Philip E. (2017) Nigerian Employees’ Compensation Act 2010: Issues Arising. African Journal of Constitutional and Administrative Law, 1. pp. 53-63. ISSN 2645-2987
al Attar, Mohsen and Quintero Godinez, Rafael (2023) TWAIL Pedagogy: Teaching International Law Better. In: TWAIL Reader. Edward Elgar. (In Press)
al Attar, Mohsen and Quintero Godinez, Rafael (2023) TWAIL Pedagogy: Un-Learning Colonial Ways of Teaching International Law. Opinio Juris.
Bah, Sulayman (2023) Media Law and Journalism in Post-Colonial Africa - The Case of The Gambia - Regulating Press Freedom: A Political Economy of Journalism in The Gambia. Doctoral thesis, Birmingham City University.
Beer, J. and de Ruyter, A. and Cable, V (2017) Sir Vince Cable: Speech at Centre for Brexit Studies 28/7/17. In: Sir Vince Cable: Speech at Centre for Brexit Studies, 28/7/17, 28/7/17, Birmingham City University.
Behrmann, Christian and Yorke, Jon (2013) The European Union and Abolition of the Death Penalty. Pace International Law Review (Online Companion), 4 (1). pp. 1-78. ISSN 1553-7897
Brigagão, Natalia and Storey, Alice and Nazir, Amna and Yorke, Jon and Richardson-Oakes, Anne (2022) UPR Project at BCU - Joint Brazil Stakeholder Submission. Technical Report. United Nations OHCHR. (Submitted)
Brigagão, Natalia and Storey, Alice and Richardson-Oakes, Anne and Duarte, Fernanda and Perlingeiro, Ricardo (2022) A Joint Submission By: The UPR Project At BCU, Universidade Federal Fluminense, The Universidade Estácio De Sá. Revista do Instituto Brasileiro de Direitos Humanos, 22. pp. 372-392. ISSN 1677-1419
Cattelan, Valentino (2022) Back to the Future: envisioning Islamic finance as a trade-oriented phenomenon. In: GIFR 2022: Futurism in Islamic Finance. Cambridge Institute of Islamic Finance, London, pp. 108-119. ISBN 987-7396281-1-6
Cattelan, Valentino (2024) Credere is credit and creed: trust, money, and religion in Western and Islamic finance. Ianus (29). ISSN 1974-9805
Cattelan, Valentino (2022) In the Name of God: managing risk in Islamic finance. Ianus, 26 (16). pp. 149-164. ISSN 1974-9805
Cattelan, Valentino (2022) The Life of EU money: value, credit and capital as societal processes. In: Money Law, Capital, and the Changing Identity of the European Union. Hart Publishing, London, pp. 1-8.
Cattelan, Valentino (2020) Sacred Euro: Sovereign Debt(s) and EU’s Bare Credit in the Corona Crisis. In: In the Realm of Corona Normativities. A Momentary Snapshot of a Dynamic Discourse. Verlag Vittorio Klostermann. ISBN 9783465045311
Cattelan, Valentino (2020) The Typewritten Market: Shari'ah-Compliance and Securitisation in the Law of Islamic Finance. Arab Law Quarterly, 35 (12). pp. 74-91. ISSN 0268-0556
Cattelan, Valentino (2024) The making of law in Islam: fiqh as delivery of verdicts. CALUMET - Intercultural Law and Humanities Review, 19. ISSN 2465-0145
Cattelan, Valentino and Gimigliano, Gabriella (2020) Digital currency schemes: more or less sustainable? Limits to growth and electronification of money in Europe. Ianus, 21. ISSN 1974-9805
Cattelan, Valentino and Gimigliano, Gabriella (2022) Money Law, Capital, and the Changing Identity of the European Union. Hart Publishing, London. ISBN 9781509956791
Chen, I-Ju (2019) An Analysis of Establishing Regional Environmental Governance Through a Mega Regional Trade Agreement: The Asia-Pacific Practice. Vermont Journal of Environmental Law, 20 (1). pp. 1-31. ISSN 1936-4261
Chen, I-Ju (2016) The Interface Between Companies' Fundamental Rights and Competition Law Enforcement in the EU: Past, Present and Future. Global Antitrust Review. pp. 7-41.
Clancy, John and de Ruyter, A. (2018) Did EU Commission deliberately just quietly inflate the Brexit bill with dodgy pension figures? Real questions now for the UK Treasury and negotiators. Birmingham City University, Birmingham.
Clancy, John and de Ruyter, A. (2018) Did EU Commission deliberately just quietly inflate the Brexit bill with dodgy pension figures? Real questions now for the UK Treasury and negotiators. [Audio]
Colliver, Ben (2022) No Safe Space: Intersectional Oppression and Transgender People’s Experiences of Discrimination. In: Contemporary Intersectional Criminology in the UK. Bristol University Press. ISBN 9781529215946
Colliver, Ben (2021) Reimagining Hate Crime: Transphobia, Visibility and Victimisation. Palgrave Hate Studies . Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9783030657161
Condello, Angela and Mason, Luke (2019) Make it new! The redeeming Modernism of law and the collapsing of its polarities. Polemos, 13 (1). pp. 149-165. ISSN 2036-4601
Cooper, Sarah Lucy (2024) How do Lawyers relate to Science Literacy? A New Methodological Framework. American Journal of Trial Advocacy, 48 (1). pp. 61-88.
Cooper, Sarah Lucy (2025) International Internships: Preparing Students for Rights and Justice in Action. In: Teaching of Rights and Justice in the Law School: Challenges and Opportunities for Research Led Teaching. Routledge. ISBN 9781032592121
Cooper, Sarah Lucy (2020) A Case for Broadening Arizona's Approach to Compassionate Release. Law Journal for Social Justice, 13. pp. 3-22. ISSN 2689-8276
Cooper, Sarah Lucy (2016) Challenges to Fingerprint Identification Evidence: Why the Courts Need a New Approach to Finality. Mitchell Hamline Law Review, 42 (2). pp. 756-790.
Cooper, Sarah Lucy (2013) The Collision of Law and Science: American Court Responses to Developments in Forensic Science. Pace Law Review, 33 (1). p. 234. ISSN 0272-2410
Cooper, Sarah Lucy (2014) Controversies in innocence cases in America. Controversies in Innocence Cases in America . Ashgate Publishing Ltd., pp. 1-226. ISBN 9781409463542 (ISBN)
Cooper, Sarah Lucy (2016) Forensic Science Developments and Judicial Decision-Making in the Era of Innocence: The Influence of Legal Process Theory and Its Implications. Richmond Journal of Law and the Public Interest, 19 (3). pp. 211-242.
Cooper, Sarah Lucy (2016) Forensic Science Identification Evidence: Tensions Between Law and Science. Journal of Philosophy, Science and Law, 16. pp. 1-35.
Cooper, Sarah Lucy (2014) Innocence commissions in America: Ten years after. In: Controversies in Innocence Cases in America. Ashgate Publishing Ltd., pp. 197-217. ISBN 9781409463542 (ISBN)
Cooper, Sarah Lucy (2015) Judicial Responses to Challenges to Firearms Identification Evidence: A Need for New Perspectives on Finality. Thomas Cooley Law Review, 31 (3). pp. 458-486.
Cooper, Sarah Lucy (2015) Judicial Responses to Shifting Scientific Opinion and Newly Discovered Evidence Rules in the United States: The Influence of Finality and Legal Process Theory. British Journal of American Legal Studies, 4. pp. 649-689. ISSN 2049-4092
Cooper, Sarah Lucy (2011) Marriage, Family, Discrimination and Contradiction: The Legacy and Future of the European Court of Human Rights Jurisprudence on LGBT Rights. German Law Journal, 12 (10). pp. 1746-1763. ISSN 2071-8322
Cooper, Sarah Lucy (2016) Post-Conviction Access to DNA Testing and Clemency as a “Fail-Safe”: The Implications of Judicial Fidelity to the Legal Process Vision. Drake Law Review, 64 (1). pp. 1-42.
Cooper, Sarah Lucy (2015) The State Clemency Power and Innocence Claims: The Influence of Finality and its Implications for Innocents. Charlotte Law Review, 51 (1). pp. 51-110.
Cooper, Sarah Lucy (2019) A Strengths Based Inquiry of Research Supervision (Ten Ways to Investigate Research Supervision). In: Ten Ways to Investigate Research Supervision. SEDA Specials (43). SEDA, pp. 13-14. ISBN 978-1-902435-66-4
Cooper, Sarah Lucy and Bernard, Cory (2021) Medical Parole-related Petitions in U.S. Courts: Support for Reforming Compassionate Release. Creighton Law Review, 54 (2). pp. 173-202. ISSN 2168-9261
Cooper, Sarah Lucy and Burrows, Hannah (2020) Remedying Wrongful Conviction: Comparisons between The Royal Prerogative of Mercy in England and Wales and Clemency in the USA. In: Executive Clemency: Comparative and Empirical Perspectives. Routledge Research in Human Rights Law . Routledge, UK. ISBN 9780367243579
Cooper, Sarah Lucy and Gough, Daniel (2014) The Controversy of Clemency and Innocence in America. California Western Law Review, 51 (1). pp. 55-110. ISSN 0008-1639
Cooper, Sarah Lucy and McArdle, Scarlett (2017) Preparing to Moot: A step-by-step guide to mooting. Routledge. ISBN 9781138853157
Cooper, Sarah Lucy and Scanlon, Paraic (2017) Juror Assessment of Certainty about Firearms Identification Evidence. University of Arkansas at Little Rock Law Review, 40 (1). pp. 95-121.
Cooper, Sarah Lucy and Scanlon, Paraic and Shooter, Amelia (2024) Juror Certainty about Firearms Evidence: Examination Effects. Criminal Law Practitioner. (In Press)
Cooper, Sarah Lucy and Shooter, Amelia (2023) A Case for Conceptualising Science Literacy for Lawyers. The Criminal Law Practitioner, XIII (I).
Cooper, Sarah Lucy and Thomas, Meryl (2010) Inheritance rights of children born outside wedlock in Jersey – the event horizon. Jersey and Guernsey Law Review, 2010 (2). ISSN 1366-9354
Cowburn, Philip and Lightfoot, Carley (2023) A Straightforward Guide to Criminal Law. In: A Straightforward Guide to Criminal Law. Straightforward Publishing, UK, pp. 123-141. ISBN 9781903909843
Dakka, Fadia and Davitti, D. (2022) International Human Rights Law and Time-Space at Sea: A Rhythmanalysis of Prosecuting Search and Rescue. In: The Times and Temporality of International Human Rights Law. Bloomsbury. ISBN 9781509949908
Damsa, Liviu (2019) Houses, Condominiums and Law in Romania and in post-communist Central Eastern Europe. In: Houses, Homes and the Law. Studies in Housing Law. Studies in Housing Law, 3 . Eleven Publishing, The Hague, The Netherlands, pp. 347-380. ISBN 9789462369740
Damsa, Liviu (2019) Sustainability and the transformation of the Socialist corporation into the private corporation: three lost decades? In: Cambridge Handbook of Corporate Law, Corporate Governance and Sustainability. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 304-316. ISBN 9781108658386
Damsa, Liviu (2016) The Transformation of Property Regimes and Transitional Justice in Central Eastern Europe: In Search of a Theory. Studies in the History of Law and Justice, 8 . Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-48528-7
Davies, Haydn (2013) Environmental justice and equal protection: intent, motivation and cognition in decision-making. Journal of Human Rights and the Environment, 4 (2). pp. 191-214. ISSN 17597188
Davies, Haydn (2017) Equal Protection and Environmental Justice: A Matter of Unconscious Injustice? In: Controversies in Equal Protection Cases in America: Race, Gender and Sexual Orientation. Controversies in American Constitutional Law . Routledge, pp. 275-290. ISBN 9781138732179
Davies, Haydn (2015) Equal protection and environmental justice: A matter of unconscious injustice? In: Controversies in Equal Protection Cases in America: Race, Gender and Sexual Orientation. Ashgate Publishing Ltd, pp. 275-290. ISBN 9781409454281 (ISBN); 9781409454274 (ISBN)
Davies, Haydn (2013) From Equal Protection to Private Law: What Future for Environmental Justice in U.S. Courts? British Journal of American Legal Studies, 2 (1). pp. 163-205. ISSN 2049-4092
Davies, Haydn (2013) The wales sustainable development bill. Environmental Law and Management, 25 (2-3). pp. 99-105. ISSN 10676058 (ISSN)
Davies, Haydn and Richardson-Oakes, Anne (2013) Problems of perception in the European Court of Human Rights: A matter of evidence? St John's Journal of Comparative and International Law, 3 (2). pp. 1-41.
Di Gioia, Ilaria (2024) Local options: good processes, controversial outcomes? University of St. Thomas Journal of Law and Public Policy, 17 (1). pp. 405-430. ISSN 2154-6428
Di Gioia, Ilaria (2020) Administrative deference and its link with the non-delegation doctrine in the law of the United States. Juris Poiesis, 23 (32). pp. 632-640. ISSN 2448-0517
Di Gioia, Ilaria (2019) Administrative deference in the United States: Kisor and the consolidation of Auer jurisprudence. JURIS POIESIS, 22 (29). pp. 311-315.
Di Gioia, Ilaria (2020) Book Review of Conservative Innovators, by Ben Merriman. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2019, 232 pp. $32.50 paperback. Oxford University Press.
Di Gioia, Ilaria (2018) Federalism and State Legislative Opposition to the Affordable Care Act: The Political Value of Legal Strategy. Doctoral thesis, Birmingham City University.
Di Gioia, Ilaria (2018) From Liberal States’ Rights Litigation to Liberal States’ Rights Discourse: A Study of State Oppositional Strategies to the ACA and Federal Immigration Laws. UNIVERSITY OF DETROIT MERCY LAW REVIEW, 96. pp. 101-122. ISSN 1058-4323
Di Gioia, Ilaria (2022) Intrastate Conflicts and Lessons Learnt from Marijuana Legalization. Fordham Urban Law Journal, 49 (3). p. 5. ISSN 2163-5978
Di Gioia, Ilaria (2016) The Sustainability of the ACA: Legal Challenge and Legislative Opposition. The international journal of sustainability in economic, social and cultural context, 12 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 2325-1115
Di Gioia, Ilaria (2022) A Tale of Transformation: The Non-delegation Doctrine and Judicial Deference. The University of Baltimore Law Review, 51 (2). ISSN 0091-5440
Di Gioia, Ilaria (2015) When Liberty Subverts Federalism: Is Nullification of Federal Law Legitimate? Edinburgh Student Law Review, II (IV). pp. 155-168.
Di Gioia, Ilaria and Richardson-Oakes, Anne (2017) Uncooperative federalism or dinosaur constitutionalism: The affordable care act and the language of states rights. Nomos, Le attualita' nel diritto, 1 (2017). ISSN 2279-7238
Dotto, Valentina and Richardson-Oakes, Anne (2019) The Environment, A Bipartisan Issue?: Partisanship Polarization and Climate Change Policies in the United States. British Journal of American Legal Studies, 8 (3). ISSN 2049-4092
Drummond, A. (2012) Counterblast: How Many More 'Slaves' Like Kevin? Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 51 (2). pp. 207-209. ISSN 02655527 (ISSN)
Duffus, Melindy (2025) Desistance and Substance Use: An Exploration of the Support in the Community for Service Users on Probation with a Particular Focus on Alcohol Use. Doctoral thesis, Birmingham City University.
de Ruyter, A. (2018) ‘No deal’ remains a possibility despite Raab comments – Brexit expert. Greater Birmingham Chamber of Commerce News.
del Ceno, J.S. and George, H. and Vols, Michel (2015) Adjudication in tenancy deposit scheme disputes: Agents’ perspectives. International Journal of Law in the Built Environment, 7 (2). pp. 162-172. ISSN 17561450 (ISSN)
Ehmke, David and Gant, Jennifer and Boon, Gert-Jan and Langkjaer, Line and Ghio, Emilie (2019) The European Union Preventive Restructuring Framework: a hole in one? International Insolvency Review, 28 (2). pp. 184-209. ISSN 1099-1107
Enweonwu, Emmanuela (2024) International Law and the End of Child Marriage: A Case Study of Nigeria. Doctoral thesis, Birmingham City University.
Ezechukwu, Nwanneka Victoria (2020) Consumer-generated reviews : time for closer scrutiny? Legal Studies. ISSN 0261-3875
Ezechukwu, Nwanneka Victoria (2020) Providing Meaningful Protection for Mobile Payment Consumers: What Tools are Fit for Purpose? Journal of Business Law, 2020 (6). pp. 498-517. ISSN 0021-9460
Ezechukwu, Nwanneka Victoria (2021) Regulating Innovation for Financial Inclusion: Lessons from Nigeria. Journal of African Law. ISSN 0021-8553
Ghio, Emilie (2018) Because the EU said so? Rethinking the concept of harmonisation. In: Society of Legal Scholars 109th Annual Conference, 3 - 7 September 2018, Queen Mary University, London. (Unpublished)
Ghio, Emilie (2016) Coping with Business Failure and Bankruptcy in the European Union. Edinburgh Law Review, 3. p. 85.
Ghio, Emilie (2015) Coping with Business Failure and Bankruptcy in the European Union. A Case Study on the Failure of Market Integration. In: Annual Conference of the Political Studies Association of Ireland, 12-14 October 2015, Cork.
Ghio, Emilie (2019) Cross-Border Insolvency and Rescue Law Theory: Towards a Better Understanding of European Harmonisation. Edward Elgar. (Unpublished)
Ghio, Emilie (2018) Cross-border insolvency and rescue law theory: Moving away from the traditional debate on universalism and territorialism. International Company and Commercial Law Review, 12. pp. 713-728. ISSN 0958-5214
Ghio, Emilie (2017) The EU Incremental Approach to Cross-Border Insolvency Regulation: A Critical Analysis. International Company and Commercial Law Review, 28. p. 369. ISSN 0958-5214
Ghio, Emilie (2016) European Insolvency Law. Where to Now? In: Pan-European Conference on the European Union, 15-18 June 2016, Trento.
Ghio, Emilie (2015) European Insolvency Law: A Case Study on the European Internal Market. In: 17th Workshop on Insolvency, 4 February 2015, Paris.
Ghio, Emilie (2017) Harmonisation of cross-border insolvency and rescue law: a case study on the future of European integration. In: Society of Legal Scholars Annual conference, 5th September 2017, Dublin, UK. (Unpublished)
Ghio, Emilie (2015) Insolvency Law and European Integration: What Future? In: Trinity College Law School Colloquium, 7 February 2015, Dublin.
Ghio, Emilie (2020) International Legal Cooperation and the Principle of Harmonisation: Lessons from Cross-Border Insolvency. In: Law and Society Association Roundtable on General Principles of Judicial Cooperation, 28th -31st May 2020, Online.
Ghio, Emilie (2020) The Limits and Logic of the EU Harmonisation Process in the Wake of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Eurofenix, 80. pp. 22-23.
Ghio, Emilie (2019) National Report for France. In: Executory Contracts in Insolvency Law. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN 9781788115513
Ghio, Emilie (2017) Time to Renew the Debate on Cross-Border Insolvency Law: Out with Theoretical Ideals, In with Pragmatism. In: Harmonisation of European Insolvency Law. INSOL Europe, Nottingham, p. 173. ISBN 978-0-993-1897-5-3
Ghio, Emilie (2020) Transposing the preventive restructuring directive 2019 into French insolvency law: Rethinking the role of the judge and rebalancing creditors' rights. International Insolvency Review, 31. ISSN 1099-1107
Ghio, Emilie (2016) The shift needed in the European debate on cross-border insolvency law. In: Annual PhD Forum, “Law and Governance in a Crisis-Ridden Union”, Netherlands Institute for Law and Governance, 19-21 November 2016, Amsterdam.
Ghio, Emilie and Boon, Gert-Jan and Langkjaer, Line and Ehmke, David and Gant, Jennifer (2019) 10 Years of YANIL: Restructuring across Europe and the EU Directive on Restructuring and Insolvency. Eurofenix, 76.
Ghio, Emilie and Omar, Paul (2020) Mapping Preventive Restructuring Frameworks and the EU Directive on Restructuring and Insolvency. Country Report: France. JCOERE project.
Ghio, Emilie and Perlingeiro, Ricardo (2020) Theory and Practice of General Principles of International Legal Cooperation: A Thematical and Comparative Approach. Nupej, Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro. ISBN 9786500085020
Gicquello, Myriam (2020) Artificial Intelligence in International Arbitration. In: The Oxford Handbook of International Arbitration. Oxford University Press, pp. 590-616. ISBN 9780198796190
Gicquello, Myriam (2019) The Reform of Investor-State Dispute Settlement: Bringing the Findings of Social Psychology into the Debate. Journal of International Dispute Settlement, 10 (4). pp. 561-581. ISSN 2040-3585
Gomez Arana, Arantza and McArdle, Scarlett (2019) The EU and the migration crisis: reinforcing a security-based approach to migration? In: Constitutionalising the External Dimensions of EU Migration Policies in Times of Crisis. Edward ELgar Publishing Limited, pp. 272-289. ISBN eISBN: 978 1 78897 248 2
Gooch, Kate and Von Berg, Piers (2019) What Happens in the Beginning, Matters in the End: Achieving Best Evidence with Child Suspects in the Police Station. Youth Justice, 19 (2). pp. 85-101. ISSN 1473-2254
Gough, Daniel James (2018) The Privatisation of Violence: An Examination of Private Military and Security Contractors and Their Effect on Sovereignty and Fundamental Rights in a Globalised World. Doctoral thesis, Birmingham City University.
Grieshofer, Tatiana (2023) Court Forms as Part of Online Courts: Elicitation and Communication in the Early Stages of Legal Proceedings. International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique, 36 (4). pp. 1843-1881. ISSN 0952-8059
Grieshofer, Tatiana (2022) Lay advisers in family law settings: The role and quality of advice provided on social media. Social & Legal Studies. ISSN 0964-6639
Grieshofer, Tatiana (2023) Reimagining communication and elicitation strategies in private family proceedings. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law. ISSN 0964-9069
Grieshofer, Tatiana (2022) Remote Interpreting in Immigration Tribunals. International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique. ISSN 0952-8059
Grieshofer, Tatiana (2022) The importance of being heard: Stories of unrepresented litigants in small claims cases and private family proceedings. Language and Law/Linguagem e Direito. ISSN 2183-3745
Grieshofer, Tatiana (2022) The importance of being heard: Stories of unrepresented litigants in small claims cases and private family proceedings. Language and Law/Linguagem e Direito, 9 (1). ISSN 2183-3745
Grieshofer, Tatiana and Gee, Matt and Morton, Ralph (2021) The Journey to Comprehensibility: Court Forms as the First Barrier to Accessing Justice. International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique. ISSN 0952-8059
Hall, S. and Wilson, David (2014) New foundations: Pseudo-pacification and special liberty as potential cornerstones for a multi-level theory of homicide and serial murder. European Journal of Criminology, 11 (5). pp. 635-655. ISSN 14773708 (ISSN)
Hambler, Andrew (2022) Is there ‘no place in the work context’ for religious proselytism? Industrial Law Journal, 51 (2). pp. 346-374. ISSN 0305-9332
Hamourtziadou, Lily (2023) Just War Theory and Drone Warfare: Morality, Virtual Wars and Human Security in the War on Terror. In: The Palgrave Handbook of International Political Theory. Springer International Publishing. ISBN 9783031361104
Hamourtziadou, Lily (2022) Ukraine war: how Russian denial of civilian casualties follows tactics used in Syria. The Conversation.
Hamourtziadou, Lily and Gokay, Bulent (2022) Why Tony Blair is just the right person to get Britain’s top honour. Open Democracy.
Hamourtziadou, Lily and Khan, Shehla (2021) War crimes and crimes against humanity: Decolonizing discourses of international justice. Journal of Global Faultlines, 8 (2). pp. 147-150. ISSN 2397-7825
Hamourtziadou, Lily and O'Sullivan, Aidan (2021) Crimes of a “benevolent” hegemony: Configurations of UK power in Northern Ireland and Iraq. Journal of Global Faultlines, 8 (2). pp. 153-171. ISSN 2397-7825
Hamourtziadou, Lily and Skerritt, Leon (2024) War crimes and questions on justice in asymmetric warfare: the case of Iraq. Journal of Global Faultlines, 11 (1). pp. 9-26. ISSN 2397-7825
Healy, Jane and Colliver, Ben (2022) Contemporary Intersectional Criminology in the UK. Bristol University Press. ISBN 978-1529215946
Hearne, David (2018) Working Paper: Regional Prices and Incomes. Working Paper. Birmingham City University - Website, Birmingham.
Hobson, Hannah M. and Woodley, Jemma and Gamblen, Samantha and Brackely, Joanna and O'Neill, Fiona and Miles, Danielle and Westwood, Claire (2022) The impact of Developmental Language Disorder in a defendant's description on mock jurors' perceptions and judgements. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders. ISSN 1368-2822
Hopkins, Thomas and Clegg, Judy (2022) Examining the literacy abilities of young people with language difficulties who are serving community orders within the youth justice service. Youth Justice. ISSN 1473-2254
Hough, Tracey and Kirk, Ewan (2018) Contract Law. Spotlights . Routledge, London. ISBN 978-1138933972
Hunt, Mark (2023) UK Taxation a simplified guide for students 2023/24. Spiramus Press, London. ISBN 9781913507480
Ingber, Monica (2014) The Politics of Conflict: Transubstantiatory Violence in Iraq. McGill-Queen's University Press. ISBN 978-0773543591
Iweoha, P.I. and Oamen, Philip E. and Anushiem, M.I. and Ekeneme, U.M.J. (2016) Longe v First Bank of Nigeria PLC: Views in Support of the Supreme Court Decision. Madonna University, Nigeria Faculty of Law Law Journal, 4 (1). pp. 76-89.
Jansen, Friso (2015) Bloody Glucose! journal of the oxford centre for Socio-Legal Studies, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-2438
Jansen, Friso (2019) De Omgevingswet: wetgeving als symbool of communicatieve wetgeving? Recht der Werkelijkheid, 40 (2). pp. 44-64. ISSN 1380-6424
Jansen, Friso (2021) Fitness to practice tribunals in the UK and the Netherlands: the construction of (para)medical competence and the use of evidence-based guidelines. In: Clinical Guidelines and the Law of Medical Negligence Multidisciplinary and International Perspectives. Elgar Studies in Health and the Law . Edward Elgar, pp. 112-142. ISBN 9781789908886
Jansen, Friso (2019) Judicial deference or judicial activism: an exploration of Dutch administrative law. Juris Poiesis, 22 (29). pp. 300-306. ISSN 2448-0517
Jansen, Friso (2019) Professional Regulation and Medical Guidelines: The Real Forces Behind the Development of Evidence-based Guidelines. Intersentia. ISBN 9781780688190
Jansen, Friso (2020) The role of policy in the exercise of discretion: a comparative search for fairness. Juris Poiesis, 23 (32). pp. 657-661. ISSN 2448-0517
Jenkins, Catharine and Webster, Natalie and Smythe, Analisa and Cowdell, Fiona (2020) What is the nature of Mental Capacity Act training and how do health and social care practitioners change their practice post-training? A narrative review. Journal of Clinical Nursing. ISSN 0962-1067
Killingley, J. (2013) Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and criminal responsibility. In: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Taylor and Francis, pp. 199-206. ISBN 9781315889665 (ISBN)
Killingley, J. (2008) Killing me softly: Baze v Rees. Human Rights Law Review, 8 (3). pp. 560-569. ISSN 14617781 (ISSN)
Killingley, Julian (2014) Counterblast: Gun Nuts or Nuts about Guns? Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 53 (5). pp. 542-544. ISSN 02655527 (ISSN)
Kirk, Ewan (2014) EU Law Express. Pearson Education. ISBN 9781292012896
Koch, Hugh and Adeleye, Nkem (2019) Post-traumatic Stress Disorder - Contemporary Analysis of Medico Legal Evidential Issues. The Expert Witness Journal (28). ISSN 2397-2777
Koch, Hugh and Adeleye, Nkem (2019) Psychological Injury, Cyber Crime and Data Breach Damages. The Expert Witness Journal (26). pp. 53-55. ISSN 2397-2777
Lane, Michael (2022) Damian Etone, The Human Rights Council: The Impact of the Universal Periodic Review in Africa (Routledge, 2021, xv + 215 pp, £36.99) ISBN 9781032175317 (pb). Oxford Academic.
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